quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009

A World of....

So our trip in your world has came to an end...

We need to get back to our world, which we realized, isn't that different from yours!

Social problems and cultural intolerance are something we cant simply get rid of...

These are the consequences of being an inhabitant of a World of...

domingo, 8 de março de 2009

Conflicts between cultures

I was looking at the year of 2008 and I saw the problem that Francis Baconmeister with the Night Elves:

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This is just another example of people from a culture trying to impose their cultural aspects into another culture. The father of Francis Baconmeister Junior made a restaurant of meat, but the vegans night elves didn't like it and processed him. Why can't the humans eat meat if they want? Why did the night elves think their culture was better than the humans'? Why do people force others to do things according to a culture and don't let them have the possibility to choose?

Strange cultures...

I was still looking at some old things... and I found a really strange culture from 2006:

As I always defend, we should accept other cultures! But do they really accept ours? Well, if they do, it doesn't look like... Punting gnomes isn't a very good way to show the acceptance of our culture! And they even say, in a shamelessly way, that the game they play doesn't make them aggressive!
Poor gnomes...

There is/was still one person with a good heart in my world...

I was looking at some things that happened in my world during 2007 and I found that:

It was nice to see that there was someone with a good heart trying to make people see that inside we are all the same. Although I think that he was probably wrong when he said that people should realize that there are no races, because that would mean that all the cultures would be homogenized into one. That wouldn't be very good, since it's nice to have a large number of different cultures. Maybe what he wanted to say was that people should accept the other cultures...

sábado, 7 de março de 2009

The Influence of Money in a Culture

I was born in a small town in Coldridge Valley. The people who live there aren't rich and they don't have much knowledge. You can't find very good items on the shops there, as well.

This is the town where I was born.

But if you look at the biggest city in Dun Morogh, Ironforge,you will see that the people there (with more money) have more knowledge and better shops.
The biggest problem with that is the snowball effect that it creates (poor people gets poorer, because they can't sell much of the insignificant items they have, and the richest people get richer, since they have success in selling most of the things they have).
This snowball effect can degrade a culture because of the created poverty.

If I were a rich gnome...

Ethnic Groups

An ethnic group is a group of people who identify themselves, or are identified as such by others, based on similar cultural or biological characteristics. As the concepts of race and nation, the ethnicity was developed, in your world, during the European colonial expansion. This happened when mercantilism and capitalism promoted global movements of people. However, nation-states always include people who have been excluded from the project (building the nation), or recruit workers from outside its borders. These people are typically ethnic groups.

Consequently, members of ethnic groups tend to conceive their identity as something that is out of the history of the nation-state. This identity is often expressed through "traditions" which are transmitted through generations.

Now I am going to show you the trailer of a movie whre you can see the presence of ethnic groups in our world:

Small Worlds...

Today I was thinking… If we look very close, we can see that in a city we can find a small world!

I was traveling through Draenor, and I reached the mighty city of Shattrath. This city was built in the ruins of an ancient temple, and we can find in it, the most diverse population you can imagine.

In this city we have refuges looking for a hideout, a place to get far from the diverse conflicts that are happening in our world. You can find races that usually fight with each other acting friendly, tired of fighting and now battling for something that really does matter: Peace.

That is what we found in my world…

In yours?

America… indubitably the most representative example in your world. An amazing mixing pot of different cultures. The home of people with a dream… A dream rarely achievable…

In Shattrath they are together fighting the war. In America, they are the war creators!

So as you can see, in my world, there are good intercultural relationships, where we do learn things from each other, using our differences in a good way.

Not like what happens (many times) in your world, where you mix your races and the result is a bloodthirsty society!

My message today: if you want peace, you may mix cultures. If you want war, stay alone. You are already bad enough, don’t get even worse!


War is a conflict between two or more organized groups. War can occur between countries or between other smaller groups like tribes or fractions from the same country. In both cases the groups can be isolated or form alliance.

Civil war is a type of war where a conflict provoke a wave of other conflicts, organized between factions or groups from the same country.

Expressions like economic war and psychological war is a type of war where weapons are not used.
The conflicts and wars happen because of religious, ethnic, ideological, economical, and territorial issues, or just because some group want something that belongs to other group.

The following video shows the rise of the death knight in order to conquer the world:

sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

Cultural Expression: Dancing

In my world we have many ways to express our cultures. One of them is dancing!
We have many dances in our world, each one characterises a race. We usually like to dance because, since it's a body language, it helps us to express our feelings. Most of the times we dance to socialise, but, sometimes, we do it in a competitive way! Other times, we dance only to "throw away" the anger inside of us... The important is that it isn't a reason to fight.

HEY! It looks like the same happens in your world!


Racism is the way of thinking where people give importance to the existence of superior races.

Racism exists when people think that physic appearance, different characters and cultures are superior to another’s. Racism is not a scientific theory, it is just a pré built theory where the biological differences are not understood and people discriminate each other.

Shadism is one type of racism which is closely related to general racism.It is the belief that people whose skin is a darker shade of Black are better than those with lighter shades of Black. Shadism is distinct from classical racism in that it applies to people of the same color skin, but of different shades, discriminating against one another, as opposed to people of different color skin.

This kind of ideology was already used to justify slave and genocides which have occurred during the history of humanity and should be stopped at all costs.

On the next video u can see a parody about racism: