sábado, 7 de março de 2009

Small Worlds...

Today I was thinking… If we look very close, we can see that in a city we can find a small world!

I was traveling through Draenor, and I reached the mighty city of Shattrath. This city was built in the ruins of an ancient temple, and we can find in it, the most diverse population you can imagine.

In this city we have refuges looking for a hideout, a place to get far from the diverse conflicts that are happening in our world. You can find races that usually fight with each other acting friendly, tired of fighting and now battling for something that really does matter: Peace.

That is what we found in my world…

In yours?

America… indubitably the most representative example in your world. An amazing mixing pot of different cultures. The home of people with a dream… A dream rarely achievable…

In Shattrath they are together fighting the war. In America, they are the war creators!

So as you can see, in my world, there are good intercultural relationships, where we do learn things from each other, using our differences in a good way.

Not like what happens (many times) in your world, where you mix your races and the result is a bloodthirsty society!

My message today: if you want peace, you may mix cultures. If you want war, stay alone. You are already bad enough, don’t get even worse!

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